
Sound and light performance, 2020.

An audio-light performance in which two participants control the process of transferring an image from a webcam to an LED strip, and the light from the LED strip is captured by a photoresistor, the signal from which is sent to the audio channel. The sound is modulated by changes in the light flux. Thus, the body movements of one of the participants become the content of the light-sound narrative of the performance, and the entire system is a conductor of information: body - light - sound.

Technical description

The image from the webcam is algorithmically processed in TouchDesigner with the imposition of visual effects and transmitted to the LED strip in a 1x60 pixel screen format. The light from the LED strip hits a homemade photoresistor with an amplifier, the analog signal from which goes to the audio interface. At the final stage, the sound is processed in PureData to form a melodic statement based on modulations.


LED strip with an ESP8266 controller, a flashlight or lamp, a homemade photoresistor with an amplifier, two laptops, an audio interface



2020 That’s all what, Electromuseum, Moscow